Best Prompts for ChatGPT for Sale: 6 Time Saving Prompts to Improve Your Sales Game


October 19, 2023

Generative AI is gaining popularity. Not only on basic tasks like writing emails or generating content. Generative AI is also being used to maximise selling impact. In a recent report by Salesforce, numbers showed that more than 80% of salespeople use generative AI to create basic content like sales pitches and emails, and more than 70% said they’re using it to analyse market data (Salesforce, 2023).


Sounds great right?! There’s a catch though. And the catch is prompts.

More than 80% of salespeople use generative AI to create basic content like sales pitches and emails.

What are prompts?

The art of getting what you want- is knowing what to task in a query. You need to know a couple of things in order to create these prompts such as target audience and context of communication. Generally you will not get a great result from putting in your first prompt, so make sure you put effort in personalizing it and polishing your messages. 

How does generative AI work?

Let’s rewind back a bit. In the world of AI, ChatGPT must be one of the best known tools that uses generative AI. But it’s certainly not the only one. Generative AI creates content, like copy or images, based on simple, text-based prompts. Next to ChatGPT there are tools like Firefly (for pictures), Synthesia (for videos), Bard (Google’s Chatbot) and AdCreative (for paid ads). Even though there are different tools that produce different output, they more or less work the same. You put in a prompt requesting specific content that doesn’t exist yet. This could be for instance an email draft to a prospective customer. They set parameters, like how long they want the email to be and what it has to include. The generative AI tool finds elements of publicly available data that match those parameters and pieces them together to create the requested content. 

Generative AI and Security: what you should know 

While generative AI has the potential to increase seller productivity, it also should be noted that it introduces security concerns. Generative AI often lacks enough context or background to create accurate responses (known as outputs) and on top of that 73% of sales professionals that use generative AI said they’re worried about security risks

So, things you should know before using generative AI tools:


  • Public generative AI tools are not secure. When you input data into tools like ChatPGT, you feed that information into the digital ether. It isn’t encrypted, which makes it vulnerable to unauthorized access and misuse. For that reason, make sure you don’t share any sensitive or personal information such as passwords, financial information or any personal information.
  • Outputs may contain inaccuracies. As mentioned before, AI tools don’t have access to the most up-to-date information. The latest ChatGPT dataset is from 2021. This means that you should review the output AI tools give you, as they may not always be accurate.
  • AI lacks human contextual knowledge.  Generative AI is incapable of human emotion. Therefore, it’s not always able to connect the dots between different pieces of information, surface motivations or use the most contextually appropriate language. Always review outputs to make sure the language being used is appropriate, natural and includes sufficient context. 

The art of getting what you want- is knowing what to task in a query. 

How to formulate prompts? A 2-step.

Formulate prompts is all about structure. The better the structure, the better the output. At Leadblocks, we like to do this in 2 steps. 

STEP 1: First we give a bit more context. For instance, I’m a sales manager and I want to make Y out of X. That’s why I’m going to create a sales pitch.

I would like you to help me with this. The sales pitch has to be 1000 words about <product>. Give me 10 subjects I need to outline in a sales pitch. 

The product is: <thorough description of the product>

STEP 2: Using the 10 subjects you received from ChatGPT, you will choose 4 subjects that match your preference the best. After that, you will ask ChatGPT: ‘’I’m still the same person and I want you to write a sales pitch based on these 4 subjects.’’

The best prompts for sales in ChatGPT

Working in sales does not solely entail calling clients, closing deals and reaching targets. It involves a lot of other digital and content based tasks in order to complete the job. ChatGPT is a great tool to save time on these tasks while increasing prospect and rep engagement. This would for instance be creating essential sales materials like pitches and emails, drafting training content and conducting basic research. 

Prompts for Sales Enablement (onboarding)

Prompt: Create a presentation outline that includes {your company’s} mission statement, {your company’s} target customer, the benefits of {your product(s) or service(s)}.

Prompt: Write a 1,000-word guide on {your product or service} including three statistics (with source) with 10 ways it/they will help {a specific role or buyer}

Prompts for Customer, product, and industry research

Prompt: Describe the key factors that influence customer purchasing decisions for {product or service type} in {industry}.

Prompt: Summarize the top three critiques in customer reviews for {your product or service}.

Prompt: List the top three challenges for businesses in {target buyer industry}.


Prompts for Social selling 

Prompt: Write a 50-word LinkedIn message explaining how {your product or service} can address the challenges of {a specific role or buyer} in {industry}.

Prompt: Write a friendly and engaging {social media platform} comment in response to a message that says {copy of recent social media post}, subtly introducing {your product or service} and offering a unique value proposition.


Prompts for Call scripts/sales pitches 

Prompt: Write a 30-second cold call sales script, highlighting three benefits of {your product or service} for {prospect/prospect’s company}.  

Prompt: Write a three-minute video script for {title} at {prospect company} summarizing the benefits of {your product or service}. End the video script by reminding them of an upcoming meeting on {date and time}.


Prompts for Objection-handling and negotiation guidance

Prompt: Act like a {title} in {industry} who is hesitant about the cost of {your product or service}. Roleplay a conversation discussing the value and benefits the product/service offers.

Prompt: Act like a {title} in {industry} who is happy with {competitor solution}. Respond to a sales pitch that summarizes the value of {your product or service} and offers discounts for new buyers.

Guidelines for writing and using your own ChatGPT for sales prompts


Excited to get started and create your own prompts? Here are some basic guidelines to receive the best output.


Use clear, specific language. Add numbers and dates, concrete adjectives, and any measurable parameters to ensure your prompts generate useful copy. For example, instead of prompting ChatGPT with “Tell me everything I should know about cars,” push for specifics: “Write three short sentences summarizing the auto industry’s biggest financial problems over the last 10 years.”

Keep it linear. Generative AI tools like ChatGPT like logic and flow. When crafting prompts, frame your questions in a linear format: “do this, then that, then that.” You can even use bullet points to frame the question and make your request clearer.

Add context and background for more relevant output. If you want output to communicate specific information, note that information first. Add emails or social copy ChatGPT can reference, or, if information is publicly available, note that in your prompt. For example, instead of writing, “Draft a cold email to buyers in the automotive industry,” write “Draft an introductory email to the CEO of Tesla that shows how (your product or service) addresses the top three challenges of businesses in the automotive industry.” This happens automatically in Sales GPT, as every email generated is based on contextual CRM data.

Never forget personalization. ChatGPT doesn’t have access to personal information — and personalization is how you land prospects, close sales, and generate loyalty. To ensure you get that personal, relevant hook, make sure you add in the right names, titles, and account-specific details to any generative AI output.

At Leadblocks, we do this for you. So basically, that means you can sit back and relax. We will come back with warm leads later!|

Disclose the use of AI, when necessary. In situations where prospects would reasonably assume a human created the content, be sure to note generative AI tools were used. You can include these as footnotes on presentations or in small print on email signatures whenever AI copy is added. At Leadblocks, we like to make a little joke of it. For instance: My AI assistant told me .. Doing so will help protect your reputation and build trust.  

Generative AI can be a valuable tool for sales reps to save time and increase productivity. Not only will it take away repetitive tasks that sometimes can be dreadful, it can also help you analyze market data and improve your strategies based on this. 

Curious how we use ChatGPT in our lead generation campaigns? Book a free demo and we’ll show you! 

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