Spill the tea: this is how you get the best Leads with a lead generation tool.


April 28, 2023

LinkedIn has become a powerful tool for lead generation, providing businesses with access to a vast network of potential customers and clients. By leveraging the power of LinkedIn’s platform and combining it with a lead generation tool, businesses can effectively target and engage with their ideal audience, resulting in more qualified leads and increased revenue. 

In this article, we will explore the process of lead generation through LinkedIn and how using a lead generation tool can enhance the effectiveness of this strategy. We will delve into the key features of a lead generation tool. Additionally, we will discuss our best practices for using a lead generation tool in conjunction with LinkedIn.

Whether you are a small business owner, a sales professional, or a marketer, understanding how to generate leads through LinkedIn and utilizing a lead generation tool can be a game-changer for your business. So, let’s dive in and explore the world of LinkedIn lead generation and how you can start leveraging it to grow your business


Lead Generation Tools
LinkedIn Lead Generation automation tools are software tools that automate the process of finding and connecting with potential customers on LinkedIn. These tools use advanced search algorithms to identify potential customers based on specific criteria, and they can send automated messages to those customers to introduce your business and start a conversation. 

What are the benefits of using a lead generation automation tool?

1. Time saving. One of the significant benefits of LinkedIn Lead Generation automation tools is that they can save a significant amount of time and effort. Rather than spending hours searching for potential customers and sending messages manually, these tools can automate the entire process, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business. In other words: we deliver you warm leads, you just have to set up a meeting with them. 

2. Scalability. With LinkedIn lead generation automation tools, it’s possible to scale lead generation efforts without requiring more resources. These tools can handle tasks such as identifying and reaching out to potential customers, which can be time-consuming if done manually. By using automation tools, businesses and professionals can expand their reach without the need for additional staff or resources.

3. Targeted approach. Another benefit of LinkedIn Lead Generation automation tools is that they can be highly targeted. These tools allow you to define specific criteria for the types of customers that you want to target, such as location, industry, job title, and company size. This can help you to ensure that you are reaching out to the right people and increase the chances of generating high-quality leads. There’s no point in just throwing your message out there, you want to speak to the people who are most likely to be interested in your product or service. Check out our blog on the importance of target group segmentation and learn more about the importance of a targeted approach.

4. Increased efficiency. By automating the lead generation process, businesses and professionals can increase their efficiency. These tools can send out connection requests and messages at a faster rate than manual efforts, which can lead to a higher number of leads generated. Additionally, these tools can help reduce errors and inconsistencies that may occur with manual lead generation efforts.

5. Cost-effective. LinkedIn lead generation automation tools can be cost-effective compared to other lead generation methods. Rather than spending money on paid advertising or hiring a dedicated sales team, businesses and professionals can invest in automation tools to generate leads. This can be particularly beneficial for small businesses and startups with limited budgets.

Let’s get into practice! We share some of our best campaigns with you to give you more insight into how our campaigns bring you your leads.

Job switch
One of the best ways to connect with your potential customers is to come in with a positive message. And what better way to do that than congratulating them on a new job position?

In every campaign, we measure the amount of people who we connected to, also known as the connection rate, and those who actually converted separately. So for instance, last November we started a campaign where we approached 676 prospects. 44% of them accepted our connection request, and 56% of those replied to our messages. From them, 16% scheduled a sales meeting with us. 

Those are 26 warm leads ready to close the deal on!


Oops, a typo!
Did you know that sending prospects messages with a small typo increases the connect and response rate? You would assume that typos and spelling errors can make a message appear unprofessional and may turn off potential leads. However, there are some situations where a message with a typo might inadvertently perform better than one without.

One reason is that messages with typos may seem more human and authentic, and therefore more relatable. Typos can make a message appear as though it was written by a real person rather than an automated system, which can be appealing to some individuals.

Another reason is that a message with a typo may stand out from other messages and catch a reader’s attention. This can be especially true in crowded inboxes or social media feeds, where a message with a typo may be more noticeable. At Leadblocks, we send out campaigns with a singular and small typo, so the message looks more ‘human’, but also doesn’t affect the credibility of our clients. 

This is what that looks like in numbers:

In this specific campaign, we sent out 235 connection requests with the typo message, where 46% connected, 71% replied and 29% of that resulted in a warm sales meeting. 

22 warm leads you just have to sign the deal with. 

Shared LinkedIn Groups
Last but certainly not least: LinkedIn Groups campaigns. In these campaigns, we connect with people who are in the same LinkedIn group as you and have a certain profile that matches your target group or segmentation model. Connecting with people from the same LinkedIn group in lead generation can work well for several reasons:

1. Shared interest: Members of the same LinkedIn group share a common interest or industry, which can make it easier to establish a connection and build rapport. When you reach out to them, you can mention your shared interest and start the conversation from there.

2. Credibility: Being part of the same group can give you credibility and legitimacy in the eyes of other members. They may be more willing to engage with you and consider your offerings if they see that you are a part of a group they trust or are familiar with.

3. Higher engagement: Group members tend to be more engaged on LinkedIn than the average user. They are more likely to see and respond to your messages or invitations, which can increase your chances of generating leads.

4. Targeted audience: By focusing on people in the same group as you, you are targeting a specific audience that is likely to be interested in what you have to offer. This can lead to higher quality leads and better conversion rates.


Let’s check some numbers:

Last December we started a LinkedIn Groups campaign. We sent out 450 connection requests, where 59% accepted our request and 46% of those people responded to our message. Eventually, 19% of those agreed to have a sales meeting with us. 

In this campaign, we established 23 warm leads to seal the deal on!


Lead generation through LinkedIn can be a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes. It offers numerous benefits, such as increased visibility, targeted audience, and higher conversion rates. With our tailored campaigns, we provide you the best ways to connect with your audience. By leveraging the platform’s features, such as groups, search filters, and messaging tools, businesses can connect with potential clients and establish meaningful relationships. Want to learn more about social selling through LinkedIn? Check out our blog on this topic here.

If you haven’t already, now is the time to start exploring the potential of LinkedIn lead generation for your business. Whether you are just starting with your sales team or already established a solid sales team: we are here to deliver you your warm leads. Try it out today! Not sure yet? Book a demo with Laura and learn about how lead generation can work for your business!

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